Friday, June 22, 2007

Leia's First Picture of Our Family!

Today Leia Rose drew her very first picture of our whole family. "Mamma is the one with eyelashes, and Daddy is the one without eyelashes. We are all standing on grass. I feel sad because I lost my Vacation Bible School work today, and Annie has a frown because she's crying. There is a sunshine in the sky with a cloud." At least Mamma and Daddy don't look concerned! : )

In a related topic, Leia sometimes has a problem with taking care of her things. Today was a good example (and a good lesson). Each day at Vacation Bible School she has brought home a "book" pamphlet that she made about the Bible story of the day. Today she left it somewhere or other "on the place with the little squares" (?). The leaders cleaned up before she could retrieve it. She cried, but she's learning (I hope) to be more resectful of her own property and the property of others.

1 comment:

Karin said...

I am so impressed that she can draw figures that well!! :) We're still in the scribbling stage. :) (and stickers are MUCH more interesting than actually drawing / coloring anything)