Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Playdate with Jessica, Declan, & Hollis

Despite my chaotic morning, we had an absolutely wonderful playdate with Jessica, Declan and Hollis this afternoon! Jessica (4) is Leia's very good friend from Artgarden Montessori and Declan (10 mo.) is Annie's friend as well. Here are Jessica and Leia Rose playing "doctor" . . .

And here's Declan and Annie playing together as well. Look how Declan has his arm around Annie! : )

Declan really enjoyed looking at all the new toys, . . . and I am always surprised at how fast Declan can move around a room! He's truly a bundle of energy!

Leia Rose and Jessica really enjoyed playing ponies at the end of the playdate . . .

See how the ponies are all sorted into a special line? Hmmmm, I wonder who had that idea?

And after a quick snack for Declan . . .

And a few "one, two, three, jump!"s from the couch, (I can't believe I let them do that, but they were just playing so well together), . . .

It was time to end the day?!? Heck, no!!! It was time for Leia and Grandma to head to ballet class. If you check out the next post, you can see what she learned today.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Ok, now that I can see how many playdates Leia has.... how come she hasn't had one with Kevin lately????? ;) ha. I'm just teasing you. But seriously... we need to do that soon!!