Friday, June 29, 2007


I have always found pleasure in trying to determine future behavior patterns of my children based on their temperaments. I’ve had fun the last few days collecting my thoughts from the last few years, and here is what I think Leia and Annie will be like as teenagers/adults: (It’s so exciting to have both descriptions be so positive in their own way! One: a leader. One: an optimist!)

Leia Rose: Leia Rose will be a driven leader. She’ll most likely be in student government, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she became president of her class. She will not be afraid to say what she thinks, and she certainly won’t feel a need to conform to something she doesn’t believe in. On the other hand, Leia Rose will have great passion and conviction about things she does believe in, and woe to those who disagree (which includes a few choice parental battles during the teenage years). Leia Rose will be career driven, no matter what her personal life holds, but it will be her family to whom she gives her utmost with the same conviction with which she defends her beliefs. Speaking of which, Leia Rose will be pursued heavily by men and have her pick. I’m guessing she’ll eventually choose someone who will allow her to continue to be a leader in whichever way she chooses in the household, . . . someone just like her very adaptable father. Oh yeah, and she’ll still be grumpy when she’s hungry.

Annie: Annie will be happy no matter where life takes her. She will be involved in one or two things that she’s passionate about and give her all to those things, but not extend herself further pressure of governing others. Annie will be able to see the positive side of every situation, an eternal optimist. She will prefer to remain quiet instead of asserting her opinion if it would incite argument (with the exception of her passionate beliefs) and will, therefore, make the teen years a bit easier on her parents. Annie will choose the right career for herself, and she’ll know her vocation early in order to make her family her focus of her life. I don’t think, however, that she’ll have men fawning over her, . . .and that will be fine with her because it will allow her to choose someone who loves her for her. Annie will also choose someone like her dad, and will project an air of equality about the relationship. Oh yeah, and she’ll still be grumpy when she’s tired.

**disclaimer** All predictions are subject to change and may, at one point, be considered null and void. Note the title “predictions” and not “blueprints.” So if I end up a mother to a meek flower and a sad insurgent, that’ll be okay too. And, hey, maybe one of them will become a nun? : )

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