Friday, June 22, 2007

"Mamma, do you love me?"

Just recently Leia has started asking, "Mamma, do you love me?" She does this multiple times daily. Of course, she never asks this when we are actively playing together. It's always when I am making breakfast (like this morning), or doing the dishes, or cleaning, etc. I always make sure to look her in the eye, . . . and even go over to her and bend down to her level if I can, and say, "I love you so much, Leia!" Her response is always to simply smile a long smile while looking at my face. I am quite bewildered by this new phase of Leia's mostly because she is always such a confident child. I've never seen her doubt or be worried about much of anything like that. I guess she's just in need of some extra reassurance these days. Well, I'm happy to give it to her. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's sweet though. :) Maybe she's just going through a phase of wanting more attention? Or could she have heard a story where a character asks that question?