Sunday, June 24, 2007

Some Annie Doings This Sunday ("Doggie"?)

I think I mentioned the other day that Annie is now signing "More" repeatedly (especially in regards to food). Well, today she combined that with her newest discovered talent, blinking. It's really neat to see her purposely blink her eyes. She's very proud of doing it, too. Here is her combination "More"/blink activity. . . .

And after lunch we played lots with her busy box, . . .

And Mamma's very favorite hide-and-seek puzzle, . . .

And when she opened up the dog house, she took out the doggie and I said, "Can you say, doggie?" And Annie said, "Dah-dee." Neat! I'm not sure if that counts, though. And finally, just a cute profile shot (we don't get many of those), . . .

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's so cool about the signs & words!! :) That looks like a fun puzzle, but I've repeatedly decided not to buy it -- because I don't want Kevin to learn how to open all those latches & be able to get into things!!! ha ha :)