Friday, June 29, 2007

Fun Time and Babble with Mamma! + "Duck"!

Annie and I did so many things after lunch today! It was just so exciting to give her the extra attention! First, we danced together! And this actually made me sad when I realized that I don't think I have ever done that with Annie. She just kind of looked at me wondering, "Why am I bouncing around, and why is a person's voice coming from over there?" How disorienting dancing can be if you don't understand what's going on!

She liked it much better when she could dance herself and watch me. She really laughed when I was dancing for her ("Ain't No Mountain High Enough" lends itself well to hand motions.) I got some great exercise!

Next, we read some books, . . . and it's always very obvious whether Annie likes a book or not. If she doesn't like it she'll arch her back, whine quite loudly, push the book away, or try to bite it. These days she prefers books with which she can either do something (like Pat the Bunny or Where is Baby's Belly Button) or watch something (like pop-up books). Perhaps she'll be one of those learners who needs to learn by doing? She's just getting to the point where she can help me turn pages. That'll be a fun addition.

Then we rolled a ball back and forth for a very long time. It's really exciting to have a child who likes to do this! (Leia was never really interested.) Annie has just learned to (at least try to) roll a ball back to a person. Every time she does, she "claps" which, for Annie, is banging her hands against her tummy (very similar to the "help" sign for babies). This particular game (as well as rolling toy cars back and forth) is most exciting to her. Her favorite, maybe?

Now a quick word about talking, . . . I don't think it's a coincidence that Annie is babbling/talking more today than many other days in the past. I actually have time to look and listen to her wholeheartedly! She has talked to me about everything, having little conversations that I happily pretended to understand, . . . but most exciting, today she said the word "duck" (or more specifically "dah") in reference to a book called Who Lives Here! She has also repeated her traditional "fall down" and "all done" lots today. It's just great to hear that verbal communication! (I was working with her on "ball," to no avail yet. And why the heck isn't she saying "Mamma"?)