Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"This is me NOT playing with a needle!" and other funny VBS stories.

I just had to mention a couple of funny things Leia said today about Vacation Bible School. First, she came home insisting that a “bushel” was some kind of a plant that made “letter chimes.” Then I realized that they had been singing “This Little Light of Mine” and she was referring to the verse, “Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m going to let it shine!” Try explaining that song to a four-year-old. Honestly. “Ah-hem, . . . God has given you many gifts as well as a great love for Him that you should let everyone see. Therefore, don’t hide those gifts or that love under a proverbial bushel. Or that love (the light) won’t be able to shine because it will be hidden (under the bushel).” I have to be nuts to think she understood that! Meanwhile, she had convinced herself about the “plant” with “letter chimes” so intensely that it took a little while to prove the truth to her, but once I did (did I really?) we both had a good laugh about “letter chimes.”

And when Leia first ran out of Vacation Bible School today, she was carrying all sorts of fun crafts, but the thing she was most proud of was this little worksheet that read, “Draw a picture to show a way you can use your hands to do what is right.” And Leia proudly proclaimed, “This is me NOT playing with a needle!”

I don't think I've ever had a better belly laugh in years!

1 comment:

Karin said...

HA! That's so funny!! :)