Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Grandma Arrives!

At the end our our playdate with Heidi and Emily, Grandma arrived!

Grandma came to see us for a few days both to visit a friend in the hospital and to take Leia back to the lake without us until this weekend (a venture that Leia has been looking forward to since she was asked if she wanted to). Grandma came bearing gifts from Gymboree, but guess what Leia and Annie enjoyed even more than the gifts? . . .
Leia has already turned her box into a "pony house" (can you see the door?) and Annie simply enjoyed eating hers. : ) Either way, the box is always more fun than the contents. (That's something Grandpa always says, . . . and boy is he right!)

1 comment:

Karin said...

Fun! :) BTW, I'm so glad you have a blog now!! This is really fun!!! :)