Friday, June 22, 2007

Jumpin' Bean!

Today I got out of the shower to find Annie watching Baby Bach, eating Cheerios, and actually jumping in the Johnny Jump Up for the first time! Up until now she just stood there. She was very excited and proud about this new physical activity. In related news, Annie also loves to jump while she is in our arms, . . . we call this Jumpin' Bean. : ) It inspired us so much that we all sing a silly song about it. It goes, "Jumpin' Bean, Jumpin' Bean, Jumpin' Bean, and a Daddy Bean." We have no idea why we sing this. : )
Here are a couple of other neat Annie things today: It was also the first time I saw Annie sign "More" multiple times at once (for more food, of course). But more amazing than that was when I walked downstairs with Annie to make breakfast for everyone (Leia was already sitting in the blue chair), as soon as Annie saw Leia she said, "La la!" I know "Leia" was her first word, and she often even pronounces it properly, but there's something seeing it happen again and again that helps you to know Annie's talking! And finally, and perhaps this is just too much information, but I never remember Leia's poops smelling as stinky as Annie's! It always surprises me, . . . always.


April said...

Annie really looks like you in this picture, Noelle.


Anonymous said...

April and I think Annie looks a lot more like you, Noelle (in the hammock picture). You handled the man at the church incident perfectly! there is nothing else you could have done. Love - Oma