Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Playdate with Heidi & Emily

Today we had a very nice playdate with Heidi and Emily. And despite the sweltering heat today, we still had a very fun time!

First, Annie splashed around in the water slide pool while she was waiting for the girls to get on their goggles, . . .
Here are Heidi and Leia in their goggles (Leia actually put her whole face underwater with them!), . . . and Annie looking on wondering who these strange creatures are, . . .
Later, Heidi and Leia played lots of "Elephant" and "Gorilla" and "Doggie" and even "Mayor" (I'm not sure how that last one creeped in there.) Emily and I spent lots of time being Elephant Mammas and Gorilla Mammas and Doggie Mammas (but no Mayor Mammas, for some reason). : )

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