Sunday, June 24, 2007

Two Amazing Things!

Of course there aren't any pictures for this post, but I just had to write about how amazing God's will is. First of all, a few weeks ago on the neighborhood listserve there was a message from a "Karen and Will" asking for a babysitter. In the message I noticed that they had one little girl named Amelia who was 4 years old and on little boy who was 8 months old: two children the exact same age as Leia & Annie!!! I saved the message, wondering whether I should contact them and let them know the similarity, asking if they wanted to get the kids together. Well, the message sat in my inbox mostly because I really stick by my newest rule, "God will always put me in a position to make new friends, there is no need to force things, just allow God to lead the way." I guess I felt like I would be "forcing things" if I emailed them about it, and yet that email remained in my inbox. Well, today I got an email entitled "free tv." I couldn't believe it, but someone in our neighborhood was giving away a free 32' TV!!! I immediately emailed them back and got in the car. No one else had claimed it yet, . . . and there we were with a huge TV!!! And guess who it was who was giving it away? The same people who I had saved the email from a few weeks before! I told them the whole story and we were all excited! Anyway, this is definitely from God, so we'll see how these friendships flourish in Him. (Um, . . . plus I have a new 32' TV.) : )

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