Friday, June 22, 2007

Weaning Herself

I am amazed at how Annie is truly weaning herself, very similar to the way Leia did. Before our vacation, Annie was still breastfeeding five times a day (when waking, before first nap, before second, between second nap and dinner, at bedtime). Since we’ve returned, not only is she eating more (Annie eating more?), but she started only feeding on one breast in the morning, . . . and now none. Today it was no milk in the morning at all and only one breast even before the first nap! Even the in-between time between nap and bed, . . . replaced with Cheerios. And even if she wakes up at night crying, she wants simply Mamma, not Mamma’s milk! And this is all her doing! The way she tells me is she either pushes my breast away with her hands, plays with the nipple, or simply turns her head away. As Brian says, “Annie just really loves real food.” The two times a day where Annie still insists on Mamma’s Milk, though, are before her second nap and before bed. Those are times to treasure!

[And just recently I’ve taken to giving Annie breastmilk in her sippy cup from times I couldn’t give it to the Milk Bank. I just thought, well, why waste it?]

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