Wednesday, June 20, 2007

No, . . . & Other Annie News

I had to mention the priceless face of Annie when Mamma says, “No.” I recognized it immediately. It’s the same face Leia had at the same age. Except Annie is told “No” when she’s trying to pull her bib off . . . And Leia was told "No" when she was trying to knock over the Gerber Rice Cereal . . .
In other Annie news, I finally heard Annie say “All Done” again today! I hadn’t heard that one since before we had been on vacation and, considering the problems with her ears these days, I was hoping I would hear it again quite soon. She hasn’t been talking as much, but I really can’t complain, Grandma did get Annie to say “more” twice during the vacation. In addition, she learned the word “flower” (“wuh-wuh,” just like Leia used to say) from the vases of flowers at the hotels, and first said it while staring at a fake peace lily plant at a Burger King.

1 comment:

Karin said...

How cool! :) I have to say... when I first saw that 2nd picture, I thought... WOW! Annie looks just like Leia!! Then I read & realized that it WAS Leia! ha :)