Friday, April 17, 2009

After Tax Day Tea Party

Although I don't consider myself to be a "political activist" by any means, I have increasingly become very concerned with certain changes being made in our government as well as the distinct possiblity that the recent huge amounts of government spending (90%+ of which I don't agree with) will most certainly cause taxes to rise exponentially for my children (in addition to the HUGE setbacks in the right-to-life movement) not to mention how much I am in support of Mike Huckabee's "Fair Tax." Sooooo, we happily attended a Tea Party today with Maureen, Alexis, Aurelia, and Aubrey. Tea parties were set up all around the nation to mimic the Boston Tea Party from long ago that protested the latest British tax on tea. Likewise, we were protesting the forthcoming tax increases. (These Tea Parties were supposed to be "non-partisan," but I'll admit that some used it to rag on the current administration, which wasn't supposed to be its purpose.)

We began with a fun playdate at Alexis' house, and then headed on down to Greenville in Maureen's van. We generally stayed out of the fray on purpose (with five children in our midst), but there was no doubt that the SC congressman was booed for his entire speech for voting for the bailout. The girls were the most excited to chant things like "U-S-A" or "Free-dom!" when it came time. And, believe it or not, it was pretty easy to explain the reasons for being there (seeing that Leia and I just finished the Felicity American Girl books where the Boston Tea Party is mentioned) because it's pretty easy to explain that we don't want more taxes for reasons that we didn't vote for or want in the first place.

And after the Tea Party, we all headed down to the Reedy River to walk along the bridge, marvel at the waterfall, and eat at the Overlook restaurant at twilight. AWESOME!!! (Yes, we got back home FAR too late. Oh well, this entire day was an experience of a lifetime!!!! And good practice for Disney World, to boot!)

And I just HAD to include Leia Rose's rendition of the evening: the girls shouting "U-S-A" in their "tree fort" with Annie crawling! ; )


Nina said...

That was very brave of you two young mothers to attend with young kids. I am glad you were able to make your voices be "heard." I love the "don't leave me holding the bag" sign!
And what is the mark under Leia's lip? Doesn't look like chocolate; looks more like a cut/scrape!

Codruta said...

The picture with all the girls sleeping in the car is absolutely priceless! I love it!