Monday, April 6, 2009

The Show of Barbie Marriage

Today Leia Rose was so excited for Annie and I come and watch "The Show of Barbie Marriage." Originally I was a bit worried, . . . wondering what the dolls might do AFTER they were married. Ha! But it turned out to be a wonderful representation of how a six-year-old thinks of the sacrament (especially considering that they are going to be flower girls in Auntie April's wedding very, very soon).
"Here is the part where all the girls line up to see who the groom will choose for his bride." Ha!

"Now all of the girls come and curtsy to the groom and the priest. . . . This is the Maid of Honor." (Perri is the priest and Qui is the altar server.)
Here is the bride curtsying to the priest. : ) (I had to laugh when I told her that usually girls who are "not chosen" to be the bride usually don't end up in the wedding party. Ha!)
"Here we all are kneeling for the Mass." Gosh, I was so proud of her for making it be a Mass!!!
And Annie, of course, was more interested in the new collection of "squishy guys" that she found in the corner. Ha! : )

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