Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Newest Lunch Mom

The newest thing that I have been LOVING is being a "lunch mom." Annie is finally at a point where she doesn't "need" a nap every day (or at least not until later in the day), so . . . off we go to school on Mondays and Thursdays now. The only people more thrilled than me are Leia and Annie!!! Leia has SUCH a sense of pride that her mother and sister come to lunch, . . . and the night before I always here, "I just can't wait until lunch tomorrow!" Here they are eating their twin peanut butter and jellies (with Sally Kate & Rudy, other kids at Leia's table) while I go around and open milks and generally help until it's time for the playground. Then we go out and play! : ) (And on one of the days, the big "wow" was a plethora of pill bugs.) : )


Nina said...

What fancy dresses for playground play!!! :) Darling! And so fun to have Mommy come!

Codruta said...

We had a great time on the playground! Friday is my outside duty time, and what a pleasure to have you on the playground with me! Annie had a good time every Friday! Do you remember how Leia took care of her?