Friday, April 3, 2009

Newest "Mamma Nilk" Mantra

Well, sometimes I just can't believe that Annie is still breastfeeding! The reason is pretty simple: she just doesn't want to give it up and neither do I! : ) What is cute, though, is that periodically Annie changes her breastfeeding "mantra," as I like to call it. It wasn't long ago when she was saying, "You can't tip it up like a drink." Ha! But suddenly one day she looked up at me and proclaimed, "Mmmmmmmm! FRESH!!!" Ha!!! That seemed to be the switch-over to her new mantra which is, "I have a lot of Mamma Nilk in my mouth. LOVE Mamma Nilk. Mmmmmmmm." Except she has done this for so long that the words truly run together. It sounds more like, "IhavealotofMammaNilkinmymouth. LOVEMammaNilk. Mmmmmmmm." After which she puts her face close to mine while she says "Mmmmmmmm." So sweet! These are the times that Mammas everywhere love to remember! : )

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