Sunday, April 19, 2009

Leia's "Disney Face"

Thank God for today's turn-of-events! Before today this was a picture of Leia's "Disney Face," which she put on whenever anyone would simply mention Disney World. I honestly thought that I had the only six-year-old in the world who was NOT excited about the Magic Kingdom. You see, Leia's imagination is so very active that she simply couldn't get excited about something that she thought might be scary, . . . even to the point that Leia said she would rather stay with Grandma than to go into the park at all. This was an endless source of frustration for Mamma, who gets the height of her Disney excitement from anticipation of the trip itself! The height of Leia's fear? When I went on youtube and tried to show her some videos of the rides. Why that scared her, I have no idea. What ended Leia's fear today? Getting out the DVD called "Where the Magic Lives: the Magic Kingdom" that has snippets from each experience there. (I have no idea why these two similar things had the opposite effect on Leia, but I'm just glad it ended in happiness.) While Leia Rose was at Grandma's last week, I got out all of the Disney movies we owned and vowed that the kids were allowed to watch only those until our trip. Then came us watching Alice in Wonderland and, I think, everything began to turn to joy when Leia Rose got excited about going on the Tea Cups. It was all up from there. Now she asks for the DVD and the Magic Kingdom CD again and again. Whew! Now I can begin the enjoyment of anticipation!

On the flip-side, Annie has been mega-excited from the beginning! Absolutely everything excites her, . . . even the stuff she has no idea what she's talking about: "And at the light parade there'll even be bumblebees!!!" And even though she has no concept of time to understand exactly when we'll be going, she's excited nonetheless.


Nina said...

When ARE you going?

Leia's "Disney" face is very much Mama's face! ;-)

April said...

Oh, I'm so glad Leia is finally getting excited. Were those YouTube videos home movies? Ever since seeing the Blair Witch Project I have always thought that home movies are a little bit creepy. Maybe Leia just appreciates well produced video quality. :-)

I love you guys
