Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Mamma-Loves-You Present

I honestly don't usually do this (because we're really trying to stick with the new theory that "less is more"), but I just HAD to get this new little contraption for the girls today. I told them that I had a Mamma-Loves-You present, that I was giving them for no other reason than that I loved them, . . . and they were allowed to have it at bathtime. It was a suction cup, battery operated, water resistant, bubble blower!!! I got it for them because who knows how long they will want to take baths together, . . . and if I waited until their birthdays, well, I may have missed the opportunity. So here are the girls enjoying their bubbles in our great big tub. Annie even has a huge one in her hand, which she did many times, each time saying, "Bubble in my HAND!" Ha!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Adorable! What is it about bubbles that is just so happy?