Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Leia's Days with Grandma & Grandpa

Ever since Leia Rose stopped attending Artgarden and found out that Grandma also taught at a Montessori school, Leia Rose wanted to tag along. This week she got her wish, . . . and Mamma let her take her own camera along to record the experience! : ) On the first day, Leia Rose spent the time with Grandpa first at the hospital and then at the office. As you can see, she took her little flower girls along. : )

Leia spent a lot of time taking pictures of the staff at the hospital, . . .
And Leia took a picture like this of almost every single staff member at Grandpa's doctor's office. : ) Here are some things Leia Rose made during some down-time. And I'm not sure why, but Leia Rose didn't take any pictures of the trip to the lake to go fishing and boating. She had lots of fun and, luckily, the sun came out just long enough for both!!! : )

The next day it was time for Montessori school with Grandma! Isn't it so neat to see "circle time" from the perspective of a child!?! (And I'm sure glad Leia took these even after she was told that, "We're not really allowed to take pictures of the children." Ha!) The kids also had library time today. A big thanks to Grandma for taking these photos!!!

Leia Rose felt that it was VERY important to take a picture of all of the Montessori works that she regognized! I'm sure they helped it feel like home! : )

Her first work of the day? The pink tower!
My only complaint? Leia Rose came back with a big burn on her face from when Grandpa baked cookies one evening. In Grandpa's defense, though, it wasn't really his fault. When Leia Rose shows excitement about something good to eat, she sticks out her tongue and leans forward saying a quick "Ah!" about three times, . . . leaning forward more each time. She told me that the third time, . . . she hit the cookie sheet. We're keeping Neosporin on it, . . . I'm sure it'll heal.

1 comment:

Steve said...

It is cool to see the Montessory pics. I guess they all get the same 'works' projects. Kevin LOVED his 2 hour visit to Peace Montessori on Friday!