Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Annie's Very Last Mamma Nilk

Well, I knew this day had to come (and so did Annie). Of course, it's always a surprise when that day becomes "today." I knew it was for certain when I placed Annie in her crib and she said, "No want Mamma Nilk anymore." I knew just what that meant. Then there was a big silence, and Annie said, "Hmmmmm, . . . maybe ONE more Mamma Nilk. Hmmmmmmmm, . . . maybe TWO more Mamma Nilks. Then no Mamma Nilks." Then Annie loved on her Mamma and hugged me close, which was her way of saying "goodbye" to Mamma Nilk (although she also said, "goodbye" at my request). Sure enough, Annie had her very last taste of breastfeeding this afternoon, and then she would never ask for it again. (And it's amazing how much easier dieting became after this moment!!!)

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