Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Annie's Flower Tent

It happened two times last week: Annie fell out of her crib and right onto her neck! She would do this trapeeze type move where she'd put her full weight on her arms and then just see-saw forward and fall out. Of course, both times ended in major tears but, luckily, nothing more. I always swore after what Leia Rose did to HER room when she was two, that my next child would remain in her crib until four-years-old. Well, I don't know if Annie will last THAT long in a crib, but I'll do my best. Here is my best attempt to make a special "flower tent" for Annie, so that she doesn't feel confined in her own bed (which is what a crib is actually FOR, right?).

1 comment:

Nina said...

What did Leia do? Annie is different. She is ready for a toddler bed. ha!