Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dying Easter Eggs

Leia Rose has been asking me to dye Easter Eggs for years now. You see, the Easter Bunny always does ours, . . . so Mamma had to "learn" how to do them. ; ) Anyway, it was a fun project, so why not? Now we can use the eggs, as well as a few plastic, candy-filled ones, to give to teachers and neighbors! : ) (Tomorrow Leia Rose wants to make paper baskets. Oh my. Project #2.) : ) We got a special egg kit to make "glitter eggs" complete with a special egg "shaker." No doubt about what Leia shook when we sang our little shaking song. : ) (Just a side note, because we did this on the gravel, it wasn't as nervewracking as I thought it would be! The girls were jewels!!!) : ) And in the last picture, you'll see that Leia Rose also wanted to try drying a string. *sigh* ; )

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