Friday, April 10, 2009

Jesus of Nazareth on Good Friday

Today we watched mulitple versions of Our Lord's Passion. Leia's favorite? Jesus of Nazareth. We watched it over and over and over again. Leia Rose said that watching Jesus of Nazareth made her want to be a good person, . . so much so that, later, when I told her I didn't think we'd have time for Daddy to tell her a story tonight, her response was: "Okay, Mamma. I understand." Then she told me that she wanted to be a Nun! : ) I also showed them some of Ben Hur, Jesus Christ Superstar (of course), and some of The Passion. (The Passion really disturbed Leia Rose. It was the first time I had ever seen her be upset by violence. I did NOT begin the clip until AFTER the scourging, of course, but even the Way of the Cross was so real for Leia (and I) that both of us cried.)

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