Sunday, April 5, 2009

Goofy Bananas

Well, there is one episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that the girls are REALLY into these days. They are getting a true thrill out of Goofy's antics. (This is REALLY interesting to me, because it's the exact type of thing that Leia would be upset about when she was Annie's age.) There is a moment in the "Jungle" episode where Goofy finds bananas in a tree. When he knocks the tree, the bananas start coming down one by one (to the familiar tune you might knock on a door "dum-da-da-dum-dum, . . . . . dum, dum!"). When the last "dum, dum" comes along, ALL of the bananas fall down onto Goofy, and this is the girls' reaction. : ) And suddenly, there's a particular desire for banana-eating in this house. Ha! : )

And the other funny thing was, BOTH girls wanted bananas on the front of thier Easter bonnets in honor of Goofy's bananas! This was a great source of laughter for the rest of the day! : )

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