Thursday, April 23, 2009

Playing With Water

Yes, there is a lot of gardening going on these days and, therefore, there is a lot of watering going on. Well, keeping with Annie's tradition of being a very tactile and sensory child born through water-birth, Annie is fascinated with water. Here she is, sitting under our new cherry tree, just "washing rocks" and other things in the little pool made by the hose. And, yes, every time she wants to play with water I have to change her clothes. *sigh*

1 comment:

Steph said...

You know, it is frustrating to have to keep cleaning them up/changing their clothes/cleaning the house, etc. from letting kids do creative things. But...I know someone who doesn't let her children do ANY of those things (Play-doh is "not allowed" in their house and all the friends and family are aware that it is a "no-no" gift for the kids), and those kids are missing out BIG TIME! If you have a chance, check out the pics I posted on FB of Emma when we went fishing. She is FILTHY! I know so many moms who just wouldn't allow their child to do that, or to do what you let Annie do. But those girls are having the time of their lives! I say, the dirtier they are, the more fun they had! (Do I smell my next blog entry?)

So good for you for being a mama who endures a little inconvenient clean up to let your girls be kids! Kids get dirty! They make messes! It's FUN!