Saturday, December 27, 2008

After Christmas in Newberry

Santa brought a Melody Express Train to Grandma's for the girls! Each little tile is a note, so the train plays songs as it runs. (I'll admit that Mamma had more fun with this than the girls. Ha!)

Grandma, Leia, & a Littlest Petshop Online Kitty!

And the coolest wind-up toy in the history of the world!!! Annie would come back to it again and again! And I can't forget to mention really cool necklaces, bath paints, and books from Uncle Alan & Aunt Cassie. (Someone was wearing their flower necklace at any point in time during the whole trip.) And, of course, no visit to Grandma's & Grandpa's would be complete without playing "Lion" on the upstairs of the sunroom! Double homeless woogies?!? We also went to see a GREAT drive-through Christmas light display. But the most fun of the trip?!? POPCORN!!! Note that the girls have one hand in one huge sack of butter popcorn and one hand in the big box of cheese popcorn! (Their two favorites!) Ha! And the girls and grandpa came up with a fun new game called "Corn Hog." Ha! They laughed themselves silly with this one! : )

Uncle Joe & Aunt Patsy gave the girls a game from the "Five Little Monkeys" book that deals with jumping on the bed, . . . and brushing your teeth (which is what the girls are pretending to do in the picture).

And Lucybelle had lots of fun with the girls leftover bows! (Playing with "kit" on the porch is another fun tradition when visiting Grandma & Grandpa.) And look at Leia's reaction to all of Daddy's Star Wars toys from when he was little!!!

It was a happy time, full of nostalgia. Thanks so much, Grandma & Grandpa!

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