Monday, December 8, 2008

Kitty Christmas

A few days ago, I posted about Leia's "Kitty Tree." Well, somehow the kitty tree has morphed into a full "Kitty Christmas." : ) Leia Rose ditched her original kitty tree as soon as she spied the discarded top to our real Christmas tree. She got an idea, and the idea became a project, and the project took on a life of its own. : ) So here is Leia Rose's new "Kitty Tree," complete with it's own decorations and candy canes and homemade ornaments. She has even written a "list" for the kitties for which Santa is supposed to fill. Items: kitty ballerina outfit, candy, a kitty nativity set. Oh my. Ah, and then there were the kitty stockings hung all in a row. (But we had to move them to the real stocking hooks so they wouldn't go up in flames from the fireplace. And, yes, they actually open! What a little project-oriented girl we have!) : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leia, I love all the kitty Christmas things you made! Ben gave me a special framed print of kitty TAILS for christmas that I can't wait to show you. I plan to hang it in the room you will sleep in in the new house we will have some day. love you bushels - OMA