Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Serious Complication

Today was the beginning of what I would consider to be the most tragic series of events during my life so far. So much so that I can't even descibe what it is like to have to write these moments in hindsight, . . . needless to say it's a horrible feeling. My dear friend Karin was taken to the hospital today with a serious case of Pneumonia. Her Facebook status update this morning read, "Karin was just told by my nurse practitioner that I need to go to the ER today. UGH!!!" This still makes me smile (while wearing a definite sad/worried crinkle above my forehead) because this update is just SO Karin, and such a very "Karin" final word in that "UGH" at the end. She had so much she wanted to do this week, no doubt holiday related. Karin had a fever yesterday and was optimistic that she would improve by today. She didn't.

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