Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Leia's Christmas Wish

Leia Rose's Christmas Wish this year was to take a ride on Santa's sleigh and be his helper. Can you believe it actually happened?!? The only problem was, Santa wasn't able to wake Leia up, so he took her up in the sleigh while she was asleep! Here is the note pinned to the special red blanket that Leia Rose found when she woke up in the middle of the night:

Dear Leia Rose,

You are a heavy little sleeper! Did you know that I gave you your Christmas wish tonight and took you riding in my sleigh?!? I picked you up softly and held you as we flew up the chimney, and I couldn’t believe that when I set you down in the sleigh beside me, you were still asleep! You whispered something about being cold, so I gave you my blanket and up, up we went! You didn’t miss much tonight, though, Leia, because it was really cloudy, and I really needed Rudolph’s nose to guide me. My thought was that the chill of a North Pole snowball just might wake you up, so I flew you up to Toyland, as quick as a wink, and brought you in to meet Mrs. Santa. She gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead and didn’t have the heart to wake you. Back in the sleigh, I thought I would try my snowball idea, so I packed one up good and tight and touched it right to your cheek! Can you believe that you just sighed and rolled over?!? I couldn’t help letting out a big, “Ho, Ho, Ho!” I just knew you’d want to keep that snowball, so I left that for you, too. Oh, and I saw your camera. Did you want a picture? I tried to have the reindeer do it, but they didn’t do a very good job. At least you can see yourself snuggling into my coat. But, Leia, as I lifted you from the sleigh to go back down the chimney, your foot knocked your Robbie Robot, and he fell to the ground! He is under your tree, but he just isn’t the same, so I’m going to have the elves make a brand new model and you’ll be the very first to have one!!! I’ll make a special trip with my sleigh as soon as I finish it. In the meantime, I had the elves make something really special for you and Annie. After you’re done opening presents this morning, go to the west side of your house and look for the huge green and red bow. (You might just want to have Daddy put on a new roof.)

Our Savior is born! He loves you, and so do I!


Saint Nicholas

You can see that Mrs. Santa gave Leia Rose a very special kiss, and that Leia Rose is completely surrounded by the stardust from the Christkindle!!!

Here is the note Santa left (which I'm sure it took him a LONG time to write), attached with a special nativity pin, as well as two gifts especially for Leia Rose: one a Santa ornament and one a Rudolph ornament "to remember when first we met," it said (referring to Rudolph, I'm sure). What a special memory, Leia Rose! How lucky you are!!! : ) And just to let you know, this morning, although you said you didn't remember the trip, you DID remember feeling extra warm and cozy snuggled up next to Santa's furry and soft coat! : ) And this morning, sure enough, Santa had labeled the North Pole snowball and put it in our freezer!!!

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