Sunday, December 28, 2008

Annie's Birth Narrative

Again, I have been meaning to post about this for quite some time, but I just didn't have a corresponding picture, so I kept forgetting. . . .

Anyway, it's SUCH an important post, because it wasn't long ago when I asked Annie about her birth. And, let me tell you, it was SO interesting what she had to say!!! The first thing she said was, "Like a slide!" This almost blew me out of my chair right there. When pressed further she said it was "dark" and that "an-mals there." I don't know WHAT to make of that latter comment because it means that she saw animals while she was being born (Ha!), but as for the former, I find it really interesting that "dark" was the same exact word that Leia Rose used to describe it when SHE was almost 2. We ended our conversation with a rousing viewing of Annie's water birth at the birth center. The labor part was boring for Annie to watch, but once I fast-forwarded to her actual birth, Annie had a REAL perception that it was really HER coming out of there! Welcome to the world, Annie! I love you!


Anonymous said...

Like a slide! WOW! but where did she get Animals? - maybe being born just like animals are - has Annie ever seen cats or dogs or farm animals being born at the fair?

April said...

Maybe all the noises of people making happy exclamations (or even your pushing noises) sounded like animal sounds to her.