Sunday, December 7, 2008

All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth

Well, last night the Tooth Fairy made yet another visit to the family household! And considering Leia's first "big-girl-tooth" isn't all the way in yet, and considering she has yet another gaping hole, . . . there is only one Christmas song to be sung tonight! : )

This tooth story is a funny one, actually. I was brushing Leia's teeth (which I always do at night because Leia Rose does her own brushing in the morning), and suddenly Leia Rose screamed, "Ow, OW!" I thought she might be doing a little bit of normal complaining, but when I finished her teeth, I noticed that her front left tooth was able to point straight forward (with a very pointy part sticking back towards her gum)! I said, "Leia Rose, I think I could pull this tooth out if I could just get a hold of it!" Then I proceeded to begin the process of getting the tooth dry so that I could pull it out with a washcloth. Leia was VERY patient. Heck, there are plenty of kids who would NEVER allow their mom to do this. Anyway, out came the tooth! : )
And here came the Tooth Fairy. Second tooth, second dollar. (And, yes, she bought an air-head taffy for herself, one for her sister, and saved the rest. Good for you, Leia Rose!)

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