Sunday, December 28, 2008

Quinten, Leia's "Boyfriend"

I have been meaning to write a post about this for AGES, but I thought I would wait until I had a picture of them both together. Anyway, one day a month or so ago, Leia Rose flippantly mentioned that she had a boyfriend. (What!?!) I was expecting her to say it was either Kevin, Colin, Trevor, or Logan (who are the usual fellas that are in the running for marriage ; ) BUT on that day she said it was Quinten from immaculata.

Well, that's fine with me. ; ) Quinten is an incredibly well-behaved little boy who is always dressed in dapper clothes. I did notice that whenever I would attend an Immaculata assembly that Quinten could always be seen sitting next to Leia Rose, leaning over continually to tell her something, and cowering with fear as Leia Rose tried to smack him for doing so. Ha!

One day after school when I was on foot to get Leia Rose, Quinten was standing there about to get into his car. He looked at me for a second (obviously wondering if he should say this), and then screamed, "Leia! You're my girlfriend, Leia! . . . . I'm gonna MARRY you Leia!!!" And as he did this Quinten did this little muscle man stance, just like Hans and Franz used to do. Ha! Then he fled to his car! It was the first time I had laughed in MONTHS. And I was laughing REALLY hard! Ironically, Quinten's mother looked PETRIFIED. Ha!

On another occasion, Leia Rose was on Quinten's "short list" for a playground playdate. When Leia arrived, Quinten rushed to her side and immediately asked her to go on "the bean." Well, from then on, the green tire swing at the laurel park playground has been the "green bean." For an hour or so, she and Quinten sat on that swing singing, "Get on the bean, get on the bean, the green green bean. It's the green, green bean," as they swung around at breakneck pace. Meanwhile, Quinten's mom (Jude) and I were talking about our children. Jude expressed a bit of nervousness about Quinten's romantic side. And just at that moment, I saw her start sprinting towards the other end of the playground, grab Quinten, and start speaking to him VERY sternly. Meanwhile, Leia Rose just calmly walked up to me and said, “You know what, Mamma? Quinten just kissed me on the lips!! And you know what? I actually liked it! . . . but it was a little bit wet.” Ha!

I'm not sure why I wasn't worried about this, but I wasn't. Not one bit. It was all totally innocent. Both Jude and I shelter our children pretty severely from shows with any kind of what I like to call "the high school dynamic." They are just busy learning about relationships, and trying to figure out their own. But I'm here, Leia Rose, whenever you want to ask me absolutely anything! : )

1 comment:

Codruta said...

If the memory serves me correctly, Quentin claimed Leia as a girlfriend, way before he knew her!