Friday, December 5, 2008

Annie's Giraffe & Leia's Kitty Tree +

Annie drew a picture on the chalk board today, and it REALLY looked like something! I asked, "Annie, what did you draw a picture of?" She replied, "A giraffe! A giraffe, Mamma!" Can you see his circle body on the right, legs sticking out the bottom, his neck out to the left, his face and muzzle? Yay! I guess this giraffe was taking a drink of water from the watering hole. Ha!

And Leia Rose was on a mission today to make a "Kitty Cat Christmas Tree." What a nice job she did! Little did I know that her plan was to ask Santa to put presents under the tree & fill the mini kitty stockings. *sigh*

Look at my sweet Christmas girl! : ) She's dressed so festive today because the school children walked across the street to sing their Christmas program for the nursing home patients today. It brought a tear to my eye because that's EXACTLY what I used to do through all my years at St. Helens. SO special Leia Rose is getting to share in that experience! : )

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