Monday, December 29, 2008

A Hike with Grandma

Grandma came to visit after our trip to Newberry. This was mostly to bring Leia Rose and Annie back after a special day with her grandparents (so that Mamma could try and desperately catch up on everything, including her first 440 page blog-book). That afternoon we all took a hike on the trail that Leia, Annie, and I blazed a while back. It was FUN! (And Grandma would probably say, "It was STEEP!" Ha! ; )
Leia Rose was more excited to show Grandma our blue trail-blazing marks on the trees than she was about looking at nature! : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and I REALLY, REALLY CAN'T WAIT TO GO ON YOUR TRAIL!! I hope the blue paint is still there when I come.