Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

And after Mass, it was time for all of the traditions! First, the girls put out the empty manger for Saint Nicholas to bring the baby Jesus!

But suddenly, Leia Rose noticed a note in her stocking!!!

He told her that the elves wanted to finish a special gift for her, . . . so to please color her favorite bugs from "Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends."

Her favorite, of course, was "Bounce." ; ) Then it was time to sprinkle the sparkly reindeer food on the lawn, courtesy of Grandma & Grandpa.

And time for Leia Rose to wrap Daddy's present. And time to choose the special cookies for Santa. And time to open the last door of our advent calendar. Baby Jesus finally appeared! And then time to look for Rudolph. And THIS year, we have a great place to search with a full view of the sky: Leia Rose's bed! : ) (We couldn't spot him this year, though, because it was SO very cloudy out. It was still fun to search, though.

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