Friday, December 19, 2008

To Kevin & From Leia Rose

When I was visiting Karin in the hospital, Steve and I talked briefly about Leia Rose being a "buddy" to Kevin as all of the viewings/funerals/receptions were going on, in order for him to have a supportive friend there. As time passed, it became apparent that Kevin was having real trouble, and wouldn't be able to handle attending. Therefore, without a friend to support, Leia Rose just stayed home. But not without making something very special for Kevin first:
This is a picture of Kevin's Mamma (Karin) as a happy singing angel in a pink princess robe.
Her note here was just as heartfelt. There is another thing I need to mention, though. My inspiration for Karin's fairytale (in a previous post) came that night when I was snuggling with Leia Rose before bedtime. Often she asks me to "tell her a story," and on that particular night it was the story of The Princess of Heaven that came pouring out. Leia has requested it, nightly, ever since. It was such a wonderful way to help her understand what was happening in her Mom's life (as well as the life of her good friend, Kevin), that she began to think and think about it. The next night, Annie, Leia, and I were saying prayers together as we often do. At the end of our prayers, we always say "Dear Saint Therese, the Little Flower. Pray for us." And "Dear Saint Ann, Mother of Mary, pray for us." There are a few others as well, with a few of them being a "protector" of one thing or another. (This began because the reply, "Pray for us." was something that Annie could actually SAY.) Anyway, this particular night, Leia Rose added, "Dear Saint Karin, protector of Kevin. Pray for us!" It has become part of our nightly litany ever since. And I just can't help it if a tear comes to my eye every time.

1 comment:

Nina said...

I never read this before today 5/6/09. I was a little busy and preoccupied back then. I am bawling my eyes out. You never told me this preamble to your story, at least, not in this detail. I am so glad that my question urged you to send me here!!!!