Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Parades 2008

It was COLD today in as we got up early to see the first Christmas Parade!
Here is the High School Band, . . . definitely the biggest band in the area. This school is located, literally, right next to Immaculata. As a result of going to Immaculata, Leia Rose will most likely be able to choose where she'll go to high school. I found myself watching these bands and wondering which one would have Leia Rose marching in it someday (or perhaps her dancing skills will lead her more towards the drill team?).
And it's probably the only parade around that featured the three wise men on ATVs! Ha! And actually, it was so refreshing to see the number of religious floats, displays, signs, (and even tracts) that were involved in the parade! You can tell that Jesus is truly the reason for the season! : )
It's also the only parade around featuring decorated tractors! Ha! The band from North High School. This was probably the girls' favorite part of the parade because, in addition to giving out candy, the cow gave out little baby cows that said, "Eat More Chicken." Leia Rose named her "Chicken" (but by the end of the day was calling him "Cowie").
Yeah, Leia Rose REALLY liked this little cow. She's even holding it during the next parade, five hours later!
And I had to take a picture of our little Etowah/Horse Shoe fire engine! We plan to bring these guys some cookies and goodies in a week or so. Ah, and we found some creative ways to store candy today. Leia Rose found a little "candy pocket" right in the front of her snowsuit. And as for Annie, I kept sticking a lollipop or a candy cane in the little fold over sleeves of her snowsuit. I just love this picture featuring Annie's confused face. : ) Now THIS is the high school that Leia Rose will most likely attend (if she decides to stick with the districting laws, that is). And I found it so fun and interesting that the West High School team is called The Flying Falcons, considering that Leia's always loved the peregrine falcon on Zaboomafoo.

Funny story here. Leia Rose took one look at the Santa on this float, looked right at me, and said, "THAT is only one of Santa's helpers." Ha!

And we thought it was really funny that the Parade ended with a horse pooping right on the road in front of us, . . . complete with fun clean-up! Ha! Then later in the day (and one tree-farm later) it was time for the smaller Christmas Parade in a neighboring town. You see, both of these towns are close to our heart. Leia Rose goes to Immaculata, but Brian works that little town. Our road divides the school districts (and the counties, actually). We all had lots of fun drinking our traditional hot chocolate during the parade!

And here is something we weren't expecting: getting to see some really cool llamas! : ) Here Leia Rose is laughing at me singing my "Me and My Llama" song from Sesame Street. : )
Here was another highlight for Leia Rose in BOTH parades: Smokey the Bear. She has been enamored of him ever since he visited her school and taught her to "get low and go" and "stop drop and roll."
Clutching Chicken/Cowie and waving at Smokey!
And, you know what?!? The floats (and the spectacle) were actually BETTER in the smaller parade!
Here's an interesting one: a white squirrel float representing the White Squirrel Shoppe. (White squirrels are very specific to this area.)

Another cute float, and you can see that we were right in front of the Transylvania Courthouse in the background.
And here's the High school band. Leia Rose was excited to see the lone piccolo player!
What a picture of a Small Town American Christmas! Now THIS was a Santa Clause that Leia Rose could support!
Leia kept saying, "It's really Santa! Hi, Santa! Look! He trimmed his beard!!!" As for Annie, she was as happy as a clam with this lollipop she picked up. And by the way, this is Annie's new "smile-for-the-camera" face, complete with signature lean to the right. : )
And we utilized the poor-man's-double-stroller on the way back to the car. Ha!

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