Friday, December 19, 2008

In Honor of Karin . . .

FROM NOW ON THIS BLOG IS UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY IN HONOR OF KARIN FAULKNER. It would not be in existence without her. (Come to think of it, neither would my computer, my digital camera, or my Facebook account.) Karin was an avid, daily reader of my blog, . . . and the only person in the world who wrote comments religiously. A void, I'm afraid, that can never be filled.

Now is the time to dry my tears and continue living life & loving my children, . . . the very things that gave Karin and I so much camaraderie and so much to share. And to remember some special words that Karin's husband, Steve, just wrote for his Facebook Profile:

Life is an Adventure! - Embrace it!!! Live it!! Do not shrink away when the road gets hard! Love is a daily decision to give yourself to others! Trusting God is choosing to do what is right even when it hurts!

1 comment:

Nina said...

That is one gorgeous picture of both of you!!!!