Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Immaculata Read-a-Thon

I just had to record this. Today was the last day of the month-long Immaculata Read-a-Thon to benefit her school. Leia has been reading and reading! She read 640 pages (all appropriate for her age level)!!! This is the first page of the sheets she used to record her reading, . . . and she had to sign every single line!!! I am SO proud of her!!! So even if she doesn't read the gift certificate to the toy store, . . . she's still going to get something special!

Well, I'm afraid it was a bit disappointing at the assembly (on December 10) where they awarded the prize. They made it sound like NO ONE would ever be able to catch the winner, who read over 400 pages a day. Did that make kids want to do it next year? No. They should have given a simple ribbon to the top reader in each class. Period. Mrs. Quarles even asked the principal to have all of the children who participated stand up, so that Leia could get at least SOME recognition, but in their confusion ALL of the students stood up. *sigh*

But Leia Rose was as happy as a clam, and the reason why was her new set of princess lip glosses. : )

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