Monday, December 8, 2008

Tree Decorating +

Every year Oma and Papa give us each a special ornament with some significance to our lives during that year. For example, Leia has one shaped like a hair dryer (because that was SO calming to her during her first few months) and she also has one shaped like a zebra because of her exclamation "Zeeeeba Buns" that originated from our zoo book. Annie even has one of Dumbo spraying a fountain in honor of her water birth! Well, here is her special ballerina ornament from last year. She loves it! (And I just can't tell you how wonderful it is to have these special memories.)
And every year Leia gets very sentimental about this little ribbon curl found in one of our keepsake ornaments because she kept it on her pinky when she was only two months old and experiencing her first Christmas.

Ah, and a new favorite: a kitty cat ornament!
And one of my favorites: the little bunny ornament that we always say looked exactly like Leia as a baby. (She's making her special bunny-face here.)
Here's what our tree looks like this year. Far too big for this room. It looked a lot different on the side of a great big mountain. Next year we'll focus on a tall, skinny tree. : )

And during the advent wreath tonight, Annie got out her drums to play along with "Little Drummer Boy." So cute!

And a new tradition: decorating the "outside tree," which Leia Rose said was her favorite part. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your trees are BEAUTIFUL! and very BIG! what fun! Annie, were you blowing out the advent candles in that one picture? and what a cute little drummer GIRL you make! Love you bushels - Oma