Monday, June 30, 2008

Kien's Kisses

Karin confided in me yesterday that this would be the first day that she would be home alone with her two boys (as Bockba Nina was flying home today). She was a little bit worried about it, . . . a PERFECT time to bring the family dinner! So I came bearing macaroni & cheese, a salad, a cobbler, and a mango! (Ha!) I wanted this to be a nice, relaxing family meal for the Faulkners, so I didn't want to stay, but I was THRILLED to meet little Kien (who I felt like I already knew because of Karin's blog). Much to my surprise, Karin asked if I wanted to hold him. (I wasn't planning to even ask that because I know about the important bonding that goes on between parents in the first few weeks, and I didn't want to mess that up.) Anyway, Kien is SO well bonded to Karin and Steve that I got to hold him!!! And, thank the Lord, he KNEW I wasn't his Mamma, so he pushed me away! Yay! (That may be the first time a person is HAPPY that a baby pushes her away! Ha!) Well, hey, I'd rather be blown kisses anyway! ; ) Check out Kien blowing me a kiss:

I got some GREAT smiles this evening! What an adorable and well mannered little boy! Such expression he has, and such laughter! This is truly a child who knows he is blessed! : )

And although I was there to bring dinner and meet Kien, I made sure to pay very special attention to the big brother! I mentioned to him about his very special smile that Kevin has every time he is around his little brother, . . . and there was that smile again! : ) I have read on Karin's blog multiple times of how wild Kevin gets around dinner time (often because he's ready for sleep). This is the first time I think I've ever really experienced it. What a nutty little nutter he is when it gets to be this time of day! ; ) Once he started patting my jiggly belly (oh my) I decided that, since Kien was being held, maybe Kevin wanted to be as well. So I got to hold the first-first-born-great-big-bundle-of-joy! What a love!

My Little Necklace Girl

Here's one of those things that happens every single day, but you just never get a picture of, you know? Annie Katharine LOVES necklaces! They are the first thing she finds in the morning, and she would wear them all day if I didn't make her take them off for eating and sleeping. ; ) She also loves hats, . . . even "hats" that are really just plastic containers. So I think, perhaps, that Annie is into dress-up. It's just too much of a coincidence that she likes BOTH things so much. : )
Here is another neat thing that Annie loves to do: string beads. She concentrated SO hard on this today, and was ALWAYS successful in getting them on the string. (So, if she's not wearing them, she's stringing them. Ha!)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Annie Outside

Church & Comics

After Church today, it was so sweet to see Miss Laurie be SO excited that Annie would hold her hand and smile at her lots and lots! : )
We also went out to brunch together again at the Carolina Inn. (Uh huh, and there I was being sad again about all of these outings that we'll never be able to do again.) Anyway, Colin was busy reading the comics after breakfast. Leia Rose had never seen comics before, and she got a real kick out of some of the little pictures (especially Garfield). She kept pointing, laughing, and saying things like, "Colin, look at that one! It's so silly!"

Job Update: A Sign

At this point, everything is God's decision. ; ) I get my peace from that.

Today I lectored at Church. I almost couldn't get through it without crying. As for the reading I read today (2 Timothy 4:6-8), listen to the last part of it: "I am already being poured our like a libation, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have competed well, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. . . . The Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might be completed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was rescued from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil threat and will bring me safe to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen." And THEN there was one of the intercessions from the Prayer of the Faithful that I read: "For the world, . . . send us to every land, like a libation poured out, that all might receive the proclamation of Your Son."

Holy moly!!! I took these as a definite sign, . . . one I didn't even recognize as I prepared for my proclamation! Also, a week or so ago, I told Brian that, perhaps, our house was going to burn down with us in it in a matter of time. Or perhaps we would have been in a car crash. It could be any number of things that we will never know. At this point, I trust His Will, and now need to pray for happiness wherever we go. : )

Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Google

Today Leia Rose and I were talking about the number of stars in the sky, and I told here I bet there were millions. And she replied, "I bet there's a google! . . . That's a number, you know!" HA!

First Two Swim Lessons +

Kary offered to let us use her neighborhood pool for private swim lessons, . . . and we LOVED this. The whole family swam for FREE!!! Leia did GREAT at her first two private swim lessons with Kary today! She truly graduated to a real swimmer (who no longer needs a life jacket on the dock or the boat anymore). Yay! I wouldn't say Leia "likes" swimming, though. But she can do it. And we found out that Kary not only is Catholic, but also went to St. Thomas More, AND is going to Clemson next year!!! Perhaps she can continue teaching Leia if we move to Greenville?
And Annie and I found a shark squirt gun. I've never seen a child so happy about being squirted/tickled. Annie LOVES it! Perhaps I'll try to get a video of her reaction. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Then later today we got one of Leia's famous "surprises," which involves her calling us up to her room to see some Calico Critters or Littlest Petshop that she has set up. There's usually a song involved, too, . . . and she's usually SO proud of it!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Father Dan's 10th Jubilee

In addition to my good friend from Furman, Father David Koonce, my other very favorite priest of all is Father Dan Oschwald. We met him back when we went to St. Michael the Archangel in Cary. He is so dedicated to vocations to the priesthood and equally dedicated to pro-life issues. Brian and I have had him over for dinner a few times, . . . until he was transferred to a brand new parish on the coast. : ( Anyway, the other day, I got an invitation from him to attend a very special Mass in honor of Father Dan at Our Lady of Lourdes in Raleigh! So, Leia and I decided to attend (because it was at 7 PM, which would be impossible for Annie).
Here is the special picture that Leia Rose drew for Father Dan in honor of him being a priest for ten years! "And that's a Rosary!" Leia exclaims! ; ) We saw Father Dan in the Narthex before Mass, and he was very touched by Leia's picture, but I think he was even more touched by our presence.
It was a beautiful Mass, except Leia Rose couldn't sit still for five solitary seconds! For goodness sake!!! ; ) It was a very traditional Mass with the bells at the consecration, which Leia Rose questioned loudly. This made it seem as if she had never attended a Mass before. Um, only every Sunday of her LIFE. ; ) Anyway, I was SHOCKED at the reception after Mass. It was just as fancy as a wedding reception!!! I was expecting doughnuts and juice, . . . instead they served a full meal with everyone sitting at tables with centerpieces and white linen napkins and tablecloths. Wow!

New Pool

A little animal (possibly a racoon?) put it's teeth into our little fishy pool the other day. So here is our newest aquisition! The girls LOVED it! It's really BIG, though. ; ) I just love how Annie is looking up at her big sister so adoringly!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Daddy Loses His Job

The short story: Brian has lost his job at GlaxoSmithKline due to "restructuring" of the Research and Development department where 2/3 of the chemists were let go this June. This has caused great tragedy and tears in our family, . . . and means a possible move to Florence or Greenville, South Carolina, . . . wherever Brian can find work in his field. What a shame that this large pharma company couldn't see a proficient, dedicated, and incredibly loyal chemist in Brian.

The Long Story: A few days before the girls and I went to Florida, Brian received word that he had lost his job at GlaxoSmithKline. There were rumors for a few months that there might be some major "restructuring" in GSK Research & Development. Then the company sent out an email confirming the rumors. (At this point, Brian went ahead and started a job search as well as applied for other open jobs within the company.) Then they had a meeting and found out that R & D would lose half of it's chemists, but not to worry because R & D in infectious diseases & oncology had 12 jobs to take up the slack. Then the day before Brian's "D Band" big meeting, the "C Band" didn't lose many people. Uh oh. And, sure enough. Brian's Band went down to 10 from 25. Even Brian's good friend Darryl (who is African American AND had been at the company more than 20 years) was let go.

What a shame. I think our friend Nick Oberlies said it best: "Noelle: I am very sorry to learn this news. It makes me so mad that I cannot use the words I would like to use to express my frustration and anger and disappointment and fatigue with the upper management of major pharma. In short, what a bunch of dumb, short sighted, assholes. I hope that you will pardon my French. Tell Brian to keep a stiff upper lip. It is rare for a med chem advertisement to come across my desk. But, I will email you if/when I hear of any thing even close to his job description. With respect to jobs in the state of NC, I suggest perusing the website of NC Biotech. It is their mission to keep jobs in this state, and perhaps they know of something. Good luck. Nick" What a shame that this company didn't recognize either Brian's amazing skill at his profession OR his extreme loyalty to GSK. Here was a man who would have been working there until he died. Long story short, it's GSK's loss. And we will never be buying another product from them. The Tums are going out the window.

On more emotional terms, this caused great tragedy in our family. It hit Brian right away with tears and repetition of, "This isn't what I wanted. This isn't what I wanted!" But I held out hope (as the girls and I went to Florida, which delayed my reaction) that there were "many" jobs in the area for Brian to get. Those were including the ones at GSK. Now we see there are only three or four real possibilities in the triangle, . . . . none of whom have gotten back to Brian about his application. It was when we returned from Florida that the reality hit me and I fell into despair. Just as a little comparison, there was only one other time in my life where I was this depressed, and that was when Joel, the tuba player, broke up with me at Furman. And that depression lasted two years + (because at that point, I thought I was losing my whole possibility of married life, . . . . oh, if I had only known about Brian then). This time, I will always have Brian, Leia, and Annie (my main joys)! Therefore, this time my despair only lasted for three full days full of tears, of moments when I wasn't crying when I felt like a deflated balloon, . . . and every moment held a tradition or an experience that we would never be able to have again. I had found the perfect blueberry patch, the perfect place to visit Santa Claus, the perfect go-and-see-the-cows outing, the perfect outdoor Sunday music, etc. etc. And WORST OF ALL my parents had already bought land only 40 minutes away! *sigh* This isn't even to MENTION how beholden I am to this house, . . . to which I brought both children home after birth, . . . on a totally private wooded lot. *sigh* We are going to have to do it all again. All of it. And THAT is what is daunting. At this point now, we are simply letting God lead us to where He wants us to be. We are at the objective and practical point now, where we start distancing ourselves. ("Look at this gross wood floor. . . . Next time we're picking the carpet we WANT upstairs, . . . These ticks are horrible. . . . etc., etc.") Brian had a fabulous interview in Forence with job openings both there and in Greenville, both places are about 1 hr. from Grandma and Grandpa and about 3 hrs. from where Oma and Papa plan to live. But, dear Lord, we REALLY prefer Greenville. ; ) And what would be REALLY crazy is if he DOES get one of those jobs in the Triangle, . . . and nothing changes at all.
So, this is where you'll find me most of the time these days: at Perpetual Adoration. And for some reason, St. Therese still insists on giving me roses (see them under the Tabernacle?) which originally, I mistakenly thought, meant that Brian wouldn't lose his job. Now I think she's just trying to show me that God has a special Will for me. There are other pieces of scripture I am clinging to as well. I wrote this message to a friend recently: "Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. Yes, it took me a few days to get over the initial shock (and anger) of the whole thing (not to mention how poor BRIAN is feeling about the job loss). But now I am back in the vein of remaining open to God's Will, . . . and fervently praying and turning to scripture for guidance (and often can be found at Perpetual Adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament). These days it's Joshua 1:9, Jeremiah 29:11, and most especially Luke 12:22-31 for some reason. But it's the Serenity Prayer that has truly become my mantra. ; )"

Dear Lord, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Sarah & Rosie

Sarah was my very first doll when I was a child, and I have vivid memories of playing with her when I was a child (especially outside in front of our townhouse, for some reason). And, of course, there's the famous reason why Sarah doesn't have any eyelashes: I pulled them all out over time. ; ) As you can see, Annie has fallen in love with Sarah.
And how special it is to have such a nostalgic connection! ; )
And it's just as special to see such a special moment with Daddy.
Today, during Leia's Vacation Bible School, I decided to break out the "Baby Play and Learn" again and do the Animal Walk game (which was quite good exercise for me, especially with the bunny & frog hops) AND do some action songs, . . . including Ring Around the Rosie, . . . which Annie LOVED!
Here's Annie's look of anticipation as I get to "ashes, ashes . . ."
"we all fall . . ."
And then she would prance around like this, every single time, signing and saying "More! MORE!" You'd think that Ring Around the Rosie would get boring the thirtieth time around. Nope. ; )

Vacation Bible School 2008

Leia was so happy to attend Saint Thomas More Vacation Bible School again this year with the theme of "God's Big Backyard." It was really great to have all the different ages wearing different colored shirts! (SO much easier to locate your child!) Here are the children in the morning watching a puppet show before going to their individual rooms to do songs and crafts. You can see Leia with her light green bow & light blue shirt, right near the teacher with the guitar.
Leia was in the group called "The Turtles." Here she is pointing to her turtle. ; )
And tonight was the little concert the kids give every year. They do lots of action bible songs, and it's always fun to watch!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lovie Names

When Annie calls for "sweep & cat" she's calling for her grandma blanket lovie and Cherry Chat Chat. The blanket name came about because, before putting her in her crib every single time, I would ask Annie if she wanted sleep. Well, she obviously thought I was asking if she wanted her blanket. Ha! So now she calls her grandma blanket "sleep." Ha! (I have a video of this and will download it later.)

Annie's Cute Sayings

For a long time, I have been gathering a list of cute sayings that Annie exclaims these days. Every one of these has a special place in my heart in a different way. And, it's funny, but just writing the word just doesn't do her phrases justice. And, of course, you can't take a picture of a saying. So I thought I would try a series of video clips:

Annie says "I Lah Loo" (meaning "I love you").

Annie says "Nilk" (meaning "Mamma's Milk").

Annie says "Oh Boy!" one of her favorite exclamations.

Annie says "Whoa!" yet another one of her favorite exclamations.

Annie says "Taste good!"

Annie says she's "sue-tee" ("thirsty").

There are also two sayings that I am not able to take a video of because they are to impromptu. One is "Okay!" and "There!" which Annie says when something is all set, like after she closes a cabinet door.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leia's Revelation

This afternoon, when I was driving Leia Rose home from the playdate at the McNeil's pool (where we had spent a lot of fun splashing/Leia-throwing time alone together in the deep end after the McNeil's left), Leia Rose was very pensive and quite for most of the ride. Suddenly she said something that astounded me (and also made me so happy). These are her exact words, "Mamma, I'm so glad that you chose to not work." I could say a thousand things here about the astuteness of my child and about God's calling for me in this life, but I think I'll just say this: "Wow! What a kid!"

Monday, June 23, 2008

Two Pool Playdates

This week we were blessed to have two pool playdates with some of Leia's and Annie's friends. First it was off to the Southern Village Pool with the McNeils. Colin and Leia Rose had a BLAST swimming under toward each other under the water with their goggles on! (Annie was home with Daddy on this playdate.)
Just look at how Leia Rose loves being submerged now!!! (Leia's favorite part of the playdate would be time with me in the deep end when it was only the two of us. I spent an hour or two just swimming with Leia Rose and teaching her to jump off of my knee and throwing her up into the air with a big "splashdown." It was SO much fun!)
Then there was a playdate at Chloe's and Mia's pool next door. This is the first time we have ever been in their pool and it was SOOOO nice! (Well, except for the honeybees that kept stinging me. Ha!)
I'm afraid it was Annie who was grumpy at Chloe's pool. Any time she feels like she's not in control (when she's in my arms, being held on to, in a baby float, etc.) she whines. But this little float seemed to work wonders for her! For some reason, she felt in control.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Papa as Vietnam Veteran

Well, I should preface this by explaining my tradition & tribute in regards to the military men of my family. In addition to having a special picture up on the wall in our dining room, I make sure to find a special way to tell their story. Now let me give a really long first example before I even get to Papa. I had framed for Grandpa, Mom, April, & I four huge montages/collages backed with American Flags of my Grandfather's experience in World War II (of which my Grandfather's version contained the entire following essay much of which I dictated onto toilet paper and napkins as Grandpa Whiskers stayed up until 2 AM telling me his story one evening, . . . ever so proud to have served in that great war). Here is the piece:

The Tribulation and the Triumph of the Fifteenth Army:
The World War II Account of Master Sergeant John Henel

One wonders whether the men drafted into the Fifteenth Army ever contemplated the significance of the eight ball, for it would be forever considered their symbol. In the game of pool, the player who inadvertently pockets the eight ball before pocketing the others immediately loses the game. And if you are “behind the eight ball” in slang terms you are “in a very unfavorable position,” considered to be “incredibly unlucky,” and forever deemed “a loser.” With that symbol in mind, here follows the story of the Fifteenth Army and the story of my grandfather.

Early in 1944, John Henel was drafted into the First Army. The first part of his story centers around John’s fight to stay with his buddies through to the Second Army. He wasn’t even afraid to ask his superior to keep them together. The result of moving to the Second Army was heaven: soldiers eating eggs light over easy and falling asleep to the light laughter and music of ladies dancing. It was from there to the Fourth and then the Eighth Army in which John moved all the way up from private to Master Sergeant: a noncommissioned officer of high rank in charge of moving troops, food, and shelter. He was moved around from army to army, a group of approximately one thousand men, until he wound up first in General Patent’s army and then in the Fifteenth Army.

As a Master Sergeant in the Fifteenth Army, John noticed that the snooty, commissioned officers had five full trucks of booze only for their personal “officer’s mess.” That just wouldn’t do, so John, taking full advantage of his rank as Master Sergeant, moved them and unloaded the “extra” fifth truck in the wine cellar of where he chose his men to stay. That night, Master Sergeant John Henel had a very brief, but very poignant discussion with his men. “Every night you will get one bottle of wine with dinner. Drink it. Sell it. Bathe in it. But if I have one problem with any of you, this little escapade is over!” Of course, the soldiers never gave him a lick of trouble. They wanted their wine.

After extensive training in Texas at Fort Sam Houston and New York at Fort Slocum, the soldiers were ready to be deployed to Europe to join the fight. On November 15, 1944 Master Sergeant John Henel and his men boarded the S. S. Aquatania en route to Scotland with a menu that, again, left the enlisted men wanting. The officers ate fish while the enlisted men ate baloney. From there they marched to England and set up the base of the Fifteenth Army. By November 24, 1944 they were at Doddington Hall in Cheshire England, but by Christmas they had moved their camp to Southampton, England which was affectionately called “Camp Beastly” because of the digestive horror story that ensued. The entire shipment of Christmas turkey was spoiled. Every single man was violently vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time both at “Camp Beastly” and on the train to the Southampton dock. A Christmas present worse than coal. What a horrible mess! All of the soldiers stripped down to the bare minimum and threw soiled clothes away. They kept clothes clean by simply taking them off.

With everyone still suffering the effects of the spoiled Christmas turkey, two days later they boarded the S. S. Empire Javelin to travel across the English Channel to Le Havre, France on their way to the Battle of the Bulge, which had already begun. The Germans knew more troops were coming, and they were ready and waiting for the Fifteenth Army.

Master Sergeant John Henel will now and forever say that a cigarette saved his life. It was nighttime on December 28, 1944. The S. S. Empire Javelin was scooting calmly across the English Channel. John went out on deck because he desperately needed a smoke, and the captain wasn’t too keen about him smoking below deck. Right as he was taking a drag, a German submarine, watching malevolently below the water, torpedoed the S. S. Empire Javelin. John was thrown from his feet with unspeakable force, not even knowing what hit him. One moment he was having a smoke and the next he was lying there on the deck, bruised. All of his buddies, those he fought so hard to remain with, were killed. Four hundred and seventy were lost when the torpedo hit the hold where the soldiers slept soundly within. But reality wouldn’t hit until later. With John’s cigarette thrown far from him with the force of the torpedo, he focused his energy on being rescued.

The rescue effort was led by a fast French warship called a corvette. The swells of the ocean were stories high as the French corvette was along side the sinking Javelin. Soldiers jumped from the boat as a swell brought the corvette to the same height as the Javelin. Many men were crushed between the boats and rescued with broken limbs. Others fell in the water between the corvette and the Javelin, and drowned. In twenty minutes time, the crew watched as their ship sank before their eyes. The German submarine had torpedoed it yet again.

On December 29, 1944 the Fifteenth Army collapsed on “The Beach” at Le Havre, France. The Red Cross, unaware of the recent tragedy, was a full mile away and the disheartened soldiers, wounded in body and spirit, were made to walk the mile for aid. Suddenly, in the midst of their mile walk, the troops were startled by German fighter planes flying overhead! The troops, still sick from the spoiled turkey, hid in the trenches. Late on that same night they arrived at what they would call “Pneumonia Palace” in Harfleur, France. From the trenches to this? An abandoned building with no heat in the dead of winter? It didn’t matter. With their bodies dehydrated and shaking, the troops first realized the truth of their situation. They got down on their knees and prayed. That’s when it hit them: that close connection that all soldiers, past and present, share. The sadness of losing friends in such a devastating blast. The joy of being alive.

While trying hard to deal with these conflicting feelings, another member of the Fifteenth Army, J. C. Hazen, Jr., immortalized the experience through his original drawings. Finally, the Fifteenth Army received reinforcements from their counterpart still stationed in the United States. They were housed elsewhere by those in France and even by the friendliest in Belgium before they found themselves in the Ruhr Pocket in the Battle of the Bulge. The snow was as high as their waists. But the Germans were defeated. And the troops were shipped home where Master Sergeant John Henel was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for heroic and meritorious achievement and service in combat.

Yes, the Fifteenth Army often found itself “behind the eight ball.” Many soldiers were lost to German torpedoes. The others were debilitated by sickness. The Fifteenth Army was constantly under siege by German submarines and planes. Even Mother Nature’s harsh winter seemed to be against them. But, one forgets, the Germans lost World War II. My grandfather returned home. Hundreds of men had learned the great value of life, the most precious gift of all. And, of course, my grandfather’s men always had their bottle of wine with dinner. I ask you, were these men unlucky? Certainly not. I leave you with the idea, the inordinate possibility, that the new generation, the children of the late twentieth century, have learned a different meaning behind the eight ball. They know of a toy called the “Lucky Eight Ball” which, after being shaken, tells a favorable future. Was that toy inspired by my grandfather’s Fifteenth Army? Perhaps. And, for me, the granddaughter of Master Sergeant John Henel, the Fifteenth Army will forever be represented by the newest symbol of serendipity: the very lucky eight ball.

BUT Dad has time and time again repeated that he would NEVER want anything like that, . . . in that he does NOT like to be associated with the Vietnam War and that it was the most depressing time of his life. A time when only thoughts of Mom and the "Doo, dee, doo-doo" of the beginning of "Singing in the Rain" could bring a smile to his face. [And, I'll tell you, it'll be interesting to see if you comment on this post, Dad. ; ) ] SO, I decided to put my findings in a simple blog post, . . . after Dad stayed up late one night while we were in Florida (just like with Grandpa) to reveal to me the full story of his experience in the Vietnam War. Anyway, here he is (in the photo hanging in our dining room) as a Navy Seaman and here, my friends, is his story:
The Tale of a Reluctant Naval Seaman in Vietnam

It was 1967, and Dino Anthony Compare was attending Erie County Technical College in Buffalo, NY earning a degree in Restaurant Management. Now, Dino hailed from South Miami Florida, and since both Buffalo & South Miami had a Howard Johnsons, he thought that might be a good summer job in his field. And after speaking to the owner, the job was secured, . . . under the strict orders to be sure to call the owner back when Dino returned to Buffalo. What Dino didn't know was that during that summer, he was scoped out for an elite scholarship in Restaurant Management / Culinary Arts to none other than Cornell University. But because Dino didn't call the owner back the next year or respond to messages, how would Dino have known? And so, if Howard Johnsons remained in the picture, the tale would end right here with Dino off to Cornell with a full scholarship, thus escaping the draft. But that's not what happened, . . .

What did happen was that Dino, a few months before graduation in 1968, was accepted into the Peace Corps Training Program having passed the entrance exam. So let's focus on the Peace Corps for a moment. What was the reason behind taking this test? Was it undeniable humanitarianism? Was it zest for helping others? Was it a desire to see the world? No, . . . it was all because his girlfriend, Claire Jean Henel, had taken the test as well. Ha! And, as a sideline, it was another avenue without the looming threat of Vietnam. Why not, eh?

Claire was to train for Micronesia (where medical technologists were needed, I suppose) and Dino was to train for Chile and help a village begin a fishing co-op (which I'm guessing they connected fish/food with restaurant management?). So off Dino went to New Mexico and California taking intensive classes in Spanish (which he says he miserably failed) amid outings of hiding, camping, and repelling. His legs cramped. He couldn't learn Spanish. And he hated the "liberal" company. And even thought it was only the third year of the Peace Corps existence, Dino Compare wasn't selected for the Chilean mission. His girlfriend Claire, however, WAS selected and waited to go to Micronesia.

So Dino flew home to South Miami a little sad (but later glad he had missed the whole Chilean Pinochet fiasco). And unfortunately, Dino's father was quite honest with him in saying "Son, you're going to be up for the draft, and very soon." Now, Dino was pretty smart about this and said, "Heck, I'm not going to let the military control which branch I go into!!!" knowing he'd be sent right to the font lines in the Army. SO knowing that this was not going to be a naval war, Dino willingly enlisted in the Navy Reserve. And, of course, it wasn't but a few months later when he was sent to Boot Camp in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was boot camp that Dino absolutely hated and would bill it as the "worst part" of the whole experience. Here he was basically taught to "march and take orders without question." (Mom always said you could always spot Dad in formation because his head always bobbed up and down, a marching error that would always get Dino in trouble.) Anyway, because Dino was a reservist, he wasn't assigned to a ship. Instead he put in for commissary school and began studying "Bulk Food Service" in San Diego, CA. Now another smart move was that Dino went to his superior and attempted to make a deal. In exchange for staying in the US, he would go to officer supply school as a result of his extensive background and experience and become a supply officer for one of the bases in the US. The superior agreed, . . . but wouldn't promise he would stay in the US and also required extra years of active duty. Dino knew what that meant: Vietnam. He never showed up at the second meeting and, therefore, never became an officer in the Navy (but also shortened his time in Vietnam by years). So Dino opted to stay a lowly Naval Seaman with the desire to "get out" instead of the desire to "move up" in rank.

So, in the summer of 1969, Dino was assigned to an ocean going, wooden hulled, Mine Sweeper called the USS Leader. It was a small ship, only about 120 feet long which was, right then, dry docked in Long Beach, California. There were 90 people aboard with 3 commissarymen/cooks, of which Dino was one, and he was busy feeding all of those people every single day.

Meanwhile, Claire Henel flew to San Francisco and prepared to depart for Micronesia, . . . until Dino made an important phone call from the Long Beach pier. "Claire, do you really want to go to Micronesia? . . . or would you rather get married instead? I've got two weeks of leave, . . . or we can wait two years until you return from Micronesia and I return from Vietnam." Claire chose to marry Dino and they were married in two weeks on September 30, 1969. (And they would later become, of course, my Mom and Dad.)

But back to the reality of war, Dino had to skip a honeymoon to spend months in four-day increments of maneuvers where they would go out to see and sweep for dummy mines. There were all sorts of mines to sweep the ocean floor for: acoustical mines (that disengaged and exploded as a result of sound waves of an approaching ship), contact mines (that disengaged and exploded on contact with a ship), and magnetic mines (that disengaged and exploded as a result of the magnetic pull of a metal ship, hence the reason for mine sweepers to be "wooden hulled"). At least Dino could live in an apartment with his new wife as long as he reported to the ship when needed, . . . unless he was out on maneuvers.

Until, . . . Dino received orders for a transfer from the USS Leader to the USS Constant, . . . with immediate departure for a ten-month stint in Vietnam. For that amount of time without being together, Claire went back home to Buffalo and the couple prepared for a full year apart (or just less than a year, to get technical, so the Navy didn't have to allot "hazardous duty pay"). They were "incognito" for ten days sailing to Hawaii and entered Pearl Harbor right when they were filming the battle scene's for Tora! Tora! Tora! "The captain had warned us not to be scared, but it was pretty intense to be on a battleship and see Japanese planes flying over your head in attack position!" At least some fun tourist outings were in store for at least a few days before it was off to Guam, the Phillipines, and many others (even Micronesia!) with all ports specifically designed for fueling these American Naval vessels. . . . Finally the destination was Vietnam itself.

Dino spent a full ten months off the coast of Vietnam in 1970 in a series of 28-day shifts where they would see the coast of Vietnam every day or two in their flotilla of boats situated about 10-15 miles off the coast. Suddenly, the flotilla would line up in their battle stations, as the USS Constant would sweep around the battleships looking for mines and use the huge 80 mm gun on the front of the boat, shooting at the coast in flotilla. When they weren't in their battle stations, they moved far enough away so the Vietnamese couldn't shoot back. And in that entire ten months, they never found a mine. Not one. Still, Dino's battle station was in the galley (or kitchen), thankfully not really a battle station at all, where he would peek out the back deck and would often see shells fly over the stern, and sometimes even see a battleship hit a weapons storage facility causing an explosion reaching far upward, lighting up the sky. An extraneous job of the USS Constant was picking up "Sampans" or more informally "Junks" which were often simple Vietnamese fishing boats. This meant that the men would pull along side of a "Junk," board it, search it, and sink it if needed. Most of the time it was a simple Vietnamese fishing boat, . . . but other times it was a vehicle transporting weapons for the Vietcong. Dino would hear "Junks" being boarded every single day from quarters.

Dino would describe this time as "mostly boring, a little adventurous, and partly depressing," but it was boot camp that was the worst. And Dino's life revolved around the kitchen, even here in flotilla. On duty for 24 hours. Off duty for 24 hours. One 24 hour shift went like this: cook breakfast, cook lunch, cook dinner, prepare mid rations (around midnight), four hours of sleep, cook breakfast. And in addition to cooking, the commissarymen's job was to polish the brass bell on the very highest level of the ship! And this began some grumbling from Dino's fellow Seamen, . . . knowing Dino was off for a whole 24 hours. Knowing Dino was the only guy on the ship who could shower every day as opposed to once a week (because he prepared the food). Knowing Dino would (on his 24 hours off) sunbathe on the top deck in his bathing suit just lazing around. Knowing Dino sometimes played golf with the Captain on base in Vietnam and got to see the two sides to their main superior, like night and day. Knowing that Dino had a suit and shoes made from scratch in the Phillipines for just pennies in order to get a good job when he got back.

Daily life on the ship was full of songs from the loud speaker. Lots of hits of the day (from the Beatles, for example), . . . anything that the captain approved, anyway. Dino also made a few good friends like George, who had a pilot's licence and a motorcycle Claire and Dino would use after the boat's return, . . . and "one South Vietnamese regular guy" who Dino wasn't sure the name of. He was in the South Vietnamese Navy and acted as a translator. And, of course, there was the "Yeoman" in the Phillipines who helped Dino print out some nice resumes that allowed him to get a job later at the famous restaurant called Anthony's Pier Four in Boston. Then there was one guy who was in the Naval Academy and quit a few days before graduation so he wouldn't have to become an officer.

And if you ask Dino about his very worst day, without hesitation he says, "Leaving Claire, . . . sailing away and waving at the dock" and also knowing that she was still in Buffalo, NY and that, because of money restraints, she couldn't even meet him when he came back! BUT, as soon as the USS Constant finally docked again in California, Dino had only one month left of active duty, so he was released and given his discharge papers. "So I packed a duffle with my new suit and shoes, shed my Navy suit as soon as I was off the dock, . . . and never looked back. I got on a plane from Long Beach to Buffalo and wore my new suit and tie to meet Claire. At home. Away from the Navy. And breathin' easy."

Vietnam as Springboard

There was no one more excited than me as I began to read Karin's blog revealing all of her experiences while adopting her son, Kien, in Vietnam. And I was SO very happy to see their family united and happy in this beautiful foreign country, . . . . but then another feeling began mingling with my happiness. And I couldn't shut it out, . . .

I think it began here in this picture of joy with two parents about to meet their second son for the very first time, . . . and there they are standing in front of a very prominent, stark, vibrant, and ominous communist symbol: the hammer and sickle and graced with the bust of a very obvious communist North Vietnamese leader. And I started feeling that this room was purposely strewn with communist propaganda meant to mask the dismal life of its inhabitants. And I was so upset and MAD at myself for feeling this way in the middle of an adoption that I was SO very happy about!!!
Then, throughout the hundreds of pictures posted on Karin's public travel blog, I would get a pang of that same feeling when I would see a picture like this, . . . with the very obvious communist intercom system so very prominently displayed on the outside of buildings (that Dr. Xo told us about so vividly in my studies of international literature).
And then there was the picture that made me absolutely gasp: the view of the actual Hanoi Hilton taken from Karin's window in her hotel room. The very place where John McCain and so many other American military were tortured. I could certainly understand why Karin didn't want to take THAT tour. ; ) [As I sit here and wonder, will Karin be upset at me as I have these feelings amid all of this joy? Is she feeling the same, or perhaps not and allowing Kien to be her constant focus (I hope)? Let's hope she comments on this blog post.] And finally, a few more that gave me that same "pang" of discontent:

And, believe me, I tried so hard not to be bothered by these images, . . . ones that seem to remain unchanged after fifty years. But they continued to haunt me as a testament, I suppose, to the fact that my father is a Vietnam Veteran (even though he despises being labeled that way), and (I'll admit) to the sensationalism of movies such as Forrest Gump and Good Morning Vietnam as well as countless examples of American music from the 1960's. Quite simply, to me these aren't images of beauty. These are images of war (and a war that we LOST, no less.) And I started wondering if they still sold American dog tags as souvenirs on the streets, . . .

But what disturbed me most is that I didn't want these negative feelings to be my focus while reading Karin's wonderful and moving blog (as evidenced by the previous post)! So I longed to turn my tortured thoughts into something more positive. And thus, there is the post that follows this one . . .

Back from Vietnam!

And here is the Faulkner Family -1: Steve, Karin, Kien, & Kevin (the only little soul missing now is Aria, . . . who will momentarily join them, I'm sure). What an international experience they had in adopting little Kien from Vietnam and truly living in the country over the course of a couple of weeks, . . . complete with viewing real scenes that looked plucked from a National Geographic magazine AND complete with being pickpocketed followed by a movie-worthy chase scene!
And I was FLOORED by how Kevin's face lit up when he saw his little brother for the first time. I've known Kevin for a long time, and I've NEVER seen his face so aglow with love.

And I couldn't complete this post without putting this picture in there too, . . . because at least Steve & Karin got to bond with Aria as well for a while at the orphanage (her face is turned away purposely in order to protect her identity before she is officially adopted).


BUT here is the most astounding thing. Moments after Kien was first placed in Karin's arms for the first time, these next two pictures were taken (the first while still in the orphanage):

BUT after only a few DAYS of being in the loving Faulkner family (and out of a communist institution) just LOOK at how Kien's face is no longer expressionless, . . . but FULL of life, expression, and happiness! These next pictures say it ALL:

Sometimes when you are with a child day-to-day, these type of details don't really jump out at you, you know. So, I have to ask, . . . Karin, did you NOTICE how this child changed into a beacon of light just DAYS after your care began?!? The difference was just so OBVIOUS to me!
And just look at this FABULOUS souvenir that Karin brought back for me from Vietnam!!! It's a little girl figurine that's hand painted!!! And, I have NO idea how she knew, but it fits PERFECTLY on one of the long spaces of my miniature shelf (the ones that are always SO hard to fill)! Thank you Karin! Now I have a lasting memory of the Faulkner twins adoption! : )