Thursday, June 19, 2008

Annie Visits the Wyland Wall #99

Today, after I brought Leia Rose to camp, Annie and I took a stroll down the entire length of the Wyland Wall #99: a really cool installment out of 100 gracing the world in order to promote conservation of our oceans. Here's some information about Wyland and his foundation:
"The Wyland Foundation, a non-profit organization founded in 1993 by environmental marine life artist Wyland, is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and preserving the world’s oceans, waterways, and marine life. The foundation encourages environmental awareness through education programs, life-size public arts projects, and community events. Undoubtedly, one of the greatest tools in the effort to protect our water planet is knowledge. Wyland’s art has the unique ability to transform all who view it to a greater awareness. By bridging the worlds of art and science, the Wyland Foundation strives to inspire people of all ages to become better stewards of our oceans and precious water resources. The future of our planet is in the hands of our children. The Wyland Foundation strives to inspire as many people as possible to learn more about our oceans and aquatic habitats and the life within them, and to encourage people to get involved. One person can indeed make a difference."
Through his foundation, Wyland is sponsoring a series of 100 humongous murals around the world that he paints all for free (the city need only provide lodging for his staff), all to promote the conservation of marine life. Wyland chose North Lauderdale for his 99th mural!!! It is located on McNab road, approximately 2 miles from the house I grew up in!!! And, ironically, he finished while we were there. (I freaked out knowing that we could have gone and watched him paint! But that was before I knew anything about what was going on.) Anyway, we happily settled for experiencing the mural close-up on one of the less-crowded days. AND rumor has it that his 100th mural is going to parallel the Great Wall of China during the olympics!

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