Saturday, June 28, 2008

First Two Swim Lessons +

Kary offered to let us use her neighborhood pool for private swim lessons, . . . and we LOVED this. The whole family swam for FREE!!! Leia did GREAT at her first two private swim lessons with Kary today! She truly graduated to a real swimmer (who no longer needs a life jacket on the dock or the boat anymore). Yay! I wouldn't say Leia "likes" swimming, though. But she can do it. And we found out that Kary not only is Catholic, but also went to St. Thomas More, AND is going to Clemson next year!!! Perhaps she can continue teaching Leia if we move to Greenville?
And Annie and I found a shark squirt gun. I've never seen a child so happy about being squirted/tickled. Annie LOVES it! Perhaps I'll try to get a video of her reaction. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Then later today we got one of Leia's famous "surprises," which involves her calling us up to her room to see some Calico Critters or Littlest Petshop that she has set up. There's usually a song involved, too, . . . and she's usually SO proud of it!

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