Friday, June 27, 2008

Father Dan's 10th Jubilee

In addition to my good friend from Furman, Father David Koonce, my other very favorite priest of all is Father Dan Oschwald. We met him back when we went to St. Michael the Archangel in Cary. He is so dedicated to vocations to the priesthood and equally dedicated to pro-life issues. Brian and I have had him over for dinner a few times, . . . until he was transferred to a brand new parish on the coast. : ( Anyway, the other day, I got an invitation from him to attend a very special Mass in honor of Father Dan at Our Lady of Lourdes in Raleigh! So, Leia and I decided to attend (because it was at 7 PM, which would be impossible for Annie).
Here is the special picture that Leia Rose drew for Father Dan in honor of him being a priest for ten years! "And that's a Rosary!" Leia exclaims! ; ) We saw Father Dan in the Narthex before Mass, and he was very touched by Leia's picture, but I think he was even more touched by our presence.
It was a beautiful Mass, except Leia Rose couldn't sit still for five solitary seconds! For goodness sake!!! ; ) It was a very traditional Mass with the bells at the consecration, which Leia Rose questioned loudly. This made it seem as if she had never attended a Mass before. Um, only every Sunday of her LIFE. ; ) Anyway, I was SHOCKED at the reception after Mass. It was just as fancy as a wedding reception!!! I was expecting doughnuts and juice, . . . instead they served a full meal with everyone sitting at tables with centerpieces and white linen napkins and tablecloths. Wow!

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