Monday, June 30, 2008

Kien's Kisses

Karin confided in me yesterday that this would be the first day that she would be home alone with her two boys (as Bockba Nina was flying home today). She was a little bit worried about it, . . . a PERFECT time to bring the family dinner! So I came bearing macaroni & cheese, a salad, a cobbler, and a mango! (Ha!) I wanted this to be a nice, relaxing family meal for the Faulkners, so I didn't want to stay, but I was THRILLED to meet little Kien (who I felt like I already knew because of Karin's blog). Much to my surprise, Karin asked if I wanted to hold him. (I wasn't planning to even ask that because I know about the important bonding that goes on between parents in the first few weeks, and I didn't want to mess that up.) Anyway, Kien is SO well bonded to Karin and Steve that I got to hold him!!! And, thank the Lord, he KNEW I wasn't his Mamma, so he pushed me away! Yay! (That may be the first time a person is HAPPY that a baby pushes her away! Ha!) Well, hey, I'd rather be blown kisses anyway! ; ) Check out Kien blowing me a kiss:

I got some GREAT smiles this evening! What an adorable and well mannered little boy! Such expression he has, and such laughter! This is truly a child who knows he is blessed! : )

And although I was there to bring dinner and meet Kien, I made sure to pay very special attention to the big brother! I mentioned to him about his very special smile that Kevin has every time he is around his little brother, . . . and there was that smile again! : ) I have read on Karin's blog multiple times of how wild Kevin gets around dinner time (often because he's ready for sleep). This is the first time I think I've ever really experienced it. What a nutty little nutter he is when it gets to be this time of day! ; ) Once he started patting my jiggly belly (oh my) I decided that, since Kien was being held, maybe Kevin wanted to be as well. So I got to hold the first-first-born-great-big-bundle-of-joy! What a love!