Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Squirrels & Paperdolls

Annie was thoroughly thrilled today to see a squirrel up close today, . . . eating the fallen birdseeds from our feeder! (No hummingbirds yet, though.) We LOVE seeing squirrels this way, . . . as long as they're not stealing seeds from within the feeder (which doesn't really happen now that we use our hair clippings in there).
And Leia was thoroughly thrilled today because Miss Laurie had sent her a special present in honor of her ballet recital, . . . dance related paperdolls and a special Strawberry Shortcake Dance With Me reading book!

We also played on the playground today, . . . but that didn't last long after I found the FOURTH tick on us. We high-tailed it inside then.

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