Sunday, June 8, 2008

Jessica's Fifth Birthday Party

Today was Jessica Oberlies' fifth birthday party at the city park in Burlington, NC. And, by golly, at 102 degrees it was the hottest day I have ever felt in my life. The only thing I could compare this to was the last time we went to Disney World and sat in the sun at the parade in 98 degree heat. But you know what? Jessica is Leia's very favorite school friend, and there was no way we were going to miss this party!
The great thing about the city park in Burlington is that it has lots of fun rides! Here are the girls riding the train!
And my hot/flushed little Annie rode a merry-go-round horse, too. : )
And look at this! Annie is riding on "Cherry Chat Chat" and Leia is riding on "White Kitty"!!! What are the chances of that happening!?!
Annie especially enjoyed the boats (because it was cooler under there, perhaps?). She would smile at the girl who was running them every time she would pass by.

The sisters even shared a ride together. Annie had lots of fun ringing the bell and turning the wheel.

1 comment:

Karin said...

That looks just like Pullen Park!