Monday, June 2, 2008

Tube or Flower +

So, it's kind of a known quirk in human physiology that a person can use their tongue to make either a tube or a flower, . . . but never both. And, for some reason, I've been testing my children on this recently. Ha! Well, for a while I've been asking Leia Rose to "go like this" while curling my tongue into a tube. And, you know what, she can't do it! . . . but she can't make a flower either. (My cousin Perri can, though.) Anyway, this morning I tested Annie, . . . and she could make one!!! Ha!
And here's a favorite activity of Annie's these days, taking out every single doll/animal from the basket and putting them in a pile while we name them one by one.
Leia's favorite, newly-discovered activity these days? Playing alone in her room with her beloved Littlest Petshop critters. In fact, whenever I come up to play, I often hear, "Mamma! Don't open that door!" Ha!
She also was inspired by a new Elmo's World about "Building Things," so she built this "house." ; )

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