Friday, June 20, 2008

Other Fun Florida Times

"RAIN!" ; )

Look right in the center of the picture and see if you can spot the young iguana in Oma's umbrella tree! (And when they get older they're as big as a dinosaur, . . . literally! When I went to visit Mrs. Revuelta for lunch one day, I was shocked to see a five-foot one marching around her backyard!!!)
And it just wouldn't be Florida without lots of visits from Auntie April!
Here's a game called "Oma's Hat" where Oma would put this little square of cloth on her head and Annie would have a laughing fit every time she grabbed it off! ; ) Such simple pleasures! And I just HAVE to mention Annie's new phrase she instituted this week which was "Oh BOY!!!" (See video below.)

This was so funny, I just HAD to take a picture. It is a well-known fact in our family that when I was Leia's age, I used to come out of the bathroom to "wipe my drops" so as not to miss anything. Looks like that quality is inherited. ; )

Ah, I affectionately call this toy "April's Tooter," and it's a really cool musical instrument that you can make into all different types by using the different parts. Annie played with this every single day. And this particular picture means a lot to me because in the background is the tile I played on all of my young life. I'm so glad Annie got to experience Oma's and Papa's Florida home!
And look! Oma found her own nest of mourning dove eggs in a palm frond!!! Who says you can't have fabulous nature experiences in Florida!!! ; )

And now for Annie's immortal, "Oh BOY!" ; )

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